The CWC Career Readiness Center is an approved HiSET (alternative high school diploma) preparation program and testing center in compliance with Wyoming Adult Education guidelines. We are funded through grants and CWC, allowing us to make the program free of charge. Our program focuses on preparing you not only to take and pass the HiSET; but to do so with scores that will set you up for post-secondary educational success, and get you going on a planned pathway to sustainable employment. In our program you will complete career interest testing, 设定职业目标, and develop a plan on how to achieve that goal. Completion of your HiSET is one of the steps on the pathway to achieving that career goal. 在获得HiSET考试的路上, you will complete both Financial Literacy and Computer Competency courses. You will also move into career training with CWC or complete one of our micro-credential programs. 获得高等教育文凭并非易事, but it’s one that can change your life in positive ways and set you on a pathway to career success.
参加该项目的最低年龄为16岁. 父母 and their students should be aware that this is an Adult Education program where the student will be responsible for their own learning. We strongly encourage that if High School graduation is a possibility stick to that path, 这条路并不容易走. If traditional or alternative High School is no longer an option, 你会有动力在生活中前进, 欢迎加入我们的计划.
If you are 18 and older, feel ready to take the HiSET or GED, we would encourage you to visit: hiset.org or ged.com. On their websites you will find information about taking the exams online as well as practice tests. Take a practice test or two, discover what you need to brush up on to prepare for the exam. If you would appreciate the advantage of a proven program to prepare for the exam, 欢迎加入我们的计划.
There are 5 enrollment classes each calendar year. To apply for the program please click the orange ‘online application’ box, 完成申请. (Applicants 16 and 17 must download and complete the Age Waiver form.) 如果你家里没有电脑, please free to come into any of our campus locations and someone will assist you. After completing the application you will need to take a series of placement exams. These exams are taken over a period of 2-3 days. Please plan on 1 ½ hours for your first exam, time needed for the additional exams will vary depending on how many you plan to complete in each testing session. Please be aware that your application and testing results will time out of our system in 90 days. Do not apply and/or test more than 90 days prior to the enrollment class you intend to enter. Also please note the deadlines for application and testing with each start date.
**NOTE: All applicants ages 16-17 must have a completed Age Waiver submitted before they can begin to test. Age Waivers are available at the CWC CCR offices in 楼下 and 着陆器. They can also be downloaded from the online application.
Last day to register and take TABE Locator Exam – June 25, 2024
Last 一天 to complete all TABE Exams – June 28, 2024
Introduction to HiSET-Career Pathways Class– July 8 & 9, 2024; 9:00-1:00 daily. Attendance at all classes is required for enrollment
Last day to register and take TABE Locator Exam – August 27, 2024
Last 一天 to complete all TABE Exams – August 30, 2024
Introduction to HiSET-Career Pathways Class – September 9-13, 2024; 9:00-1:00 daily. Attendance at all classes is required for enrollment.
Last day to register and take TABE Locator Exam – October 22, 2024
Last 一天 to complete all TABE Exams – October 25, 2024
Introduction to HiSET-Career Pathways Class – November 4-8, 2024; 9:00-1:00 daily. Attendance at all classes is required for enrollment.
Last day to register and take TABE Locator Exam – December 17, 2024
Last 一天 to complete all TABE Exams– December 20, 2024
Introduction to HiSET-Career Pathways Class- January 6-10, 2025; 9:00-1:00 daily. Attendance at all classes is required for enrollment.
Last day to register and take TABE Locator Exam – February 25, 2025
Last 一天 to complete all TABE Exams – February 28, 2025
Introduction to HiSET-Career Pathways Class – March 10-14, 2025; 9:00-1:00 daily. Attendance at all classes is required for enrollment.
Last day to register and and take TABE Locator Exam – June 26, 2025
Last 一天 to complete all TABE Exams – July 2, 2025
Introduction to HiSET-Career Pathways Class– July 15-19, 2025; 9:00-1:00 daily. Attendance at all classes is required for enrollment.
**需在线申请, be aware that applications time out after 90 days and are removed from the system. 班级空间有限, if the class is overfilled you may be directed to wait until the next enrollment period.
一天 | 学时 |
周一 | 8:00am-5:00pm |
周二 | 8:00am-7:00pm |
周三 | 8:00am-5:00pm |
周四 | 8:00am-7:00pm |
星期五 | 8:00am-12:00pm |
一天 | 学时 |
周一 | 10:00am-2:00pm & 4:00-8:00pm |
周二 | 9:00am-5:00pm |
周三 | 10:00am-2:00pm & 4:00-8:00pm |
周四 | 关闭 |
星期五 | 9:00am-5:00pm |
一天 | 学时 |
周一 | 8:00am-4:45pm |
周二 | 8:00am-4:45pm |
周三 | 8:00am-4:45pm |
周四 | 8:00am-4:45pm |
星期五 | 8:00am-4:45pm |
一天 | 学时 |
周一 | 关闭 |
周二 | 2:00-6:00pm |
周三 | 2:00-6:00pm |
周四 | 2:00-6:00pm |
星期五 | 关闭 |
一天 | 学时 |
周一 | 按照约定- Call 克里斯蒂帕勒斯 at (307) 855-2189 or email cpyles@rahwaychickendelight.com |
周二 | 按照约定 |
周三 | 按照约定 |
周四 | 按照约定 |
星期五 | 按照约定 |
一天 | 学时 |
周一 | 在线的格式 |
周二 | 在线的格式 |
周三 | 在线的格式 |
周四 | 在线的格式 |
星期五 | 在线的格式 |
一天 | 学时 |
周一 | 预约-个别指导 |
周二 | 12:00-4:00pm |
周三 | 12:00-4:00pm |
周四 | 12:00-4:00pm |
星期五 | 关闭 |
124 N. 第五街
里弗顿,WY 82501
(307) 855 – 2000
着陆器,WY 82520
(307) 332 – 3394
240 S. 格伦伍德街124号
P.O. 4795箱
乐天堂app,WY 83001
(307) 733 – 7425
302 W. 鹦鹉螺
P.O. 175箱
迪布瓦,WY 82513
(307) 455 – 2625